1. Đặc điểm:
Được sử dụng để đóng gói sản phẩm thực phẩm, dược phẩm, trà và hoá chất với định lượng nhỏ. Các quá trình tạo túi, định lượng, chiết, hàn và cắt được thực hiện tự động hoàn toàn.
2. Phạm vi sử dụng:
Máy này phù hợp cho đóng gói các sản phẩm như chè vụn, cà phê, nhân sâm, trà, trà thuốc, .v.v.
Máy này có thể tự động hoàn toàn các khâu tạo túi, đổ liệu, định lượng, hàn kín. Cấp chỉ, dán nhãn, cắt chỉ, đếm…. Vì thế làm giảm chi phí nhân công và cải tiến chất lượng sản phẩm.
Nguyên liệu đóng gói: giấy đóng gói, chỉ, nhãn
Thông số kĩ thuật chính: Model: YD-11
The common prostate health problems are prostate infection, enlarged prostate and cancer of prostate.
Prostate infection, also referred to as prostatitis, is the most common prostate-related overuse injury in men younger than 55 years. Infections in the prostate gland are classified into four types - acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic abacterial prostatitis and prosttodynia.
Acute bacterial prostatitis may be the least common coming from all varieties of prostate infection. It is brought on by bacteria found in the large intestines or urinary tract. Patients may go through fever, chills, body aches, back pains and urination problems. This condition is treated by making use of antibiotics or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve the swelling.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis can be a condition of a particular defect inside the gland and the persistence presence of bacteria inside urinary tract. It can be due to trauma to the urinary tract or by infections received from the rest from the body. A patient may go through testicular pain, lower back pains and urination problems. Although it is uncommon, it is usually treated by removal in the prostate defect followed by the use antibiotics and NSAIDs to deal with the soreness.
Non-bacterial prostatitis accounts for approximately 90% of most prostatitis cases; however, researchers have not even to determine the sources of these conditions. Some researchers feel that chronic non-bacterial prostatitis occur as a consequence of unknown infectious agents while other feel that intensive exercise and heavy lifting could cause these infections.
Maintaining a Healthy Prostate
To prevent prostate diseases, an effective diet is important. These are some of the steps you can take and also hardwearing . prostate healthy.
1. Drink sufficient water. Proper hydration is important for overall health and it will also maintain the urinary track clean.
2. Some studies suggest that a number of ejaculations weekly will help to prevent cancer of prostate.
3. Eat red meat moderately. It has been shown that consuming more than four meals of beef per week will raise the risk of prostate diseases and cancer.
4. Maintain a proper diet with cereals, vegetable and fruits to make sure sufficient intake of nutrients required for prostate health.
The most crucial measure to consider to be sure a proper prostate would be to opt for regular prostate health screening. If you are forty years old and above, you ought to go for prostate examination one or more times a year.